Saturday, January 31, 2009

Fwd: testing

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gonzo the Great <>
Date: Sat, Jan 31, 2009 at 12:39 AM
Subject: testing

Alright, in an effort to make myself post more, I'm trying out blogging by e-mail. We'll see how it works...

Thursday, January 08, 2009

God I must be bored...

- Available: always
- Age: 23!
- Annoyance: people
- Animal: dog

- Birthday: christmas eve
- Best Friend: we're speaking again :-)
- Body Part on opposite sex: brain
- Best feeling in the world: Friday afternoon
- Blind or Deaf: Deaf
- Best weather: Texas in June
- Been in Love: Yes
- Been on stage?: More than once
- Believe in Magic: Illusions
- Believe in Santa: Santa died of complications from Diabetes

- Candy: as often as possible
- Color: Maroon
- Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
- Chinese/Mexican: I'm mexican
- Cake or pie: yes
- Continent to visit: Austrailia
- Cheese: as much as possible

- Day or Night: Why choose
- Dance in the rain: whenever possible

- Eyes: Open
- Everyone's got a(n): Opinion. Often, the wrong one.
- Ever failed a class?: Yes :-(

- Full name: Gonzo Gonzarelli McFonzo
- First thoughts waking up: must hit snooze?
- Food: Steak

- Greatest fear: Dismissal
- Goals: Graduate, get a job 
- Gum: Not very often
- Get along with your parents? Well enough.
- Good luck charm: I make my own luck.

- Hair Color: Black
- Height: 5’ 11"
- Happy: Optimistic
- Holiday: Christmas
- How do you want to die: painlessly
- Ice Cream: Mint chocolate chip
- Instrument: Bass

- Jewelry: Spirit of Aggieland bracelet I havent removed in 4+ yr.s.
- Job: Not at the moment, but previously, more than one that invloved shooting things with a laser.

- Kids: maybe
- Kickboxing or karate: Aikido
- Keep a journal?: Um... does this count?

- Longest trip: My long trips kinda blur into my short moves... What's the cutoff?
- Love: Whenever possible
- Letter: handwritten is nice, but e-mail is easier
- Laughed so hard you cried: The last time? Pineapple Express trailer

- Milk flavor: Milk has flavors?
- Movies: all the time, in theaters if possible, by myself if neccisary
- Motion sickness? Not normally
- McD’s or BK: BK

- Number of Siblings: 2
- Number of Piercings: 0
- Number: One 

- One Wish: for more wishes

- Perfect Pizza: Pizza Hut Supreme, pan crust
- Pepsi/Coke: With a shot of Rum and a little lime

- Quote: "Dum vivimus, vivamus!"

- Reason to cry: onions
- Reality TV Show: Junkyard Wars
- Radio Station: KZEP
- Roll your tongue in a circle?: No
- Ring size: Off the top of my head, idk

- Song right now: Godzilla. Always.
- Shoe size: 10 1/2
- Salad Dressing: Ranch, extra, on the side
- Sushi: Maguro Nigiri
- Slept outside: Every chance I get
- Sing well?: define "well"
- In the shower?: let's do it
- Strawberries/Blueberries: on pancakes

- Time for bed: when I fall asleep
- Thunderstorms: can be fun

- Unpredictable: at times

- Vacation spot: anywhere interesting

- Weakness: procrastination
- Which one of your friends acts the most like you: None of them
- Who makes you laugh the most: myself
- Worst feeling: disappointment
- Wanted to be a model?: Never
- Worst Weather?: Rain, when caught unprepared

-X-Ray[s]: Shorter than UV, longer than gamma
-Ex's: what about them?

-Year it is now: 2009
-Yellow: mellow?

- Zoo animal: has it easy

1. Slept in a bed beside you? HT
2. You went to the mall with? Adrian
3. You went to dinner with? The Family
4. You talked to on the phone? girl at the optomitrist's office
5. Made you laugh? Me
6. Hugged you? Family, when I came home
7. Said they loved you? I love myself
8. Held your hand? HT
9. Spoke with? My dad
10. You cried over? I try not to cry over people

Tuesday, January 06, 2009

A Joke

Q: Why is the math book so sad?


A: Because it has so many problems!