A thought on rpgs
--Haley, OotS #666
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Gonzo in it's truest form
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Super Simple, v2:
roll the dice, then everyone else drinks (optionally, you drink too)
Roll 1d6.
5-6: drink that much, end of turn
3-4: add points to your score, roll again
1-2:add the points to your score, end of turn
at the end of your turn, give out the points you've collected, to anyone,
split up however you like. If at any point you reach 15 points, end your
turn, give out your points, and finish your drink
Simple, but with more dice:
pick someone to attack.
roll 1d20 against their 2d10
loser drinks 1d6 unless:
on natural 20, they chug the rest of their drink
on natural 1, you chug the rest of your drink
Not Simple:
I'm working on it, it's gonna be good.
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Using Opera's revolutionary e-mail client: http://www.opera.com/mail/
Anyway, I realised a little while ago that I've been carrying a very small
representation of one for months, and will continue to carry it for the
rest of my life. That is, I realised that the rifle on the side of my
aggie ring (well, all aggie rings) is a 1903. It's such a small thing
(literally and figuratively) but it means a lot to me :-D
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