Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Almost over

I'm writing this post from my last class of this semester. In a mere 20 min, I will be done with everything but a couple of finals. This would be reason for celebration, except that I'm going to be doing alot of studying and worrying about finals for the next couple of weeks. I didn't realise quite how tought it's going to be to pull it out in math class. At this point, I just need to study alot and hope for a nice curve.

In brighter news, I know I've got a B in SOCI, and Pass in Handball. CompSci and Engineering are up in the air, Hopefully (probably) Bs, definitely at least Cs. We'll see. For now, class is over, and I'm off to dorm dinner. I'll never have to listen to another math lesson in this particular mixture of Turkish and English again.


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