Of jail-bait, mexicans, and nostalgia
So, we got back from spring break at the beach on saturday, it was lots of fun. We had awesome fires on the beach, but the only grils we attracted with the fires and beads and improvements on the beach were... multiple felony counts waiting to happen. OTOH, we did seem to attract ghetto mexicans who hooked us up with beer and... stuff. We also meet a couple of cool former ags, who hooked us up with deals on bait and sushi. After we came home, and I took a little excursion with Buffy to SA, just like we used to all the time. That, combined with watching "Group A, the beginnings" again, has put me in a very nostalgic mood. It's nice, but a little sad. It's also made me reflect a little more on the fact that I don't reaally feel like I have any thing to show for this semester :-( . I need to fix that.
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