Saturday, February 07, 2009

okay, it's (looking at my clock) 304am! Intullectually, I realise this.
trying to type, I can tell, that my coordination is slightly off. but
subjectively, I feel great. Right now, my head doesn't hurt, my stomach
doesn't hurt, I don't feel bad and I don't rally feel drunk. Objectively,
I know I am Goooooooone. I'm probably (hpefully) going to go to sleep as
soon as I finnish this. I just hope I feel this good inthe morning. Most
likely, I won't. But Most likely, I'll sleep right though the morning.
G'nihgt world!

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Blogger littlemisst08 said...

lol. drunk blog posts!!

did you feel ok the next day?

11:25 PM  
Blogger Gonzo said...

Oh yeah, I felt fine

3:26 AM  

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